Free webinar: Effective supporter welcome journeys


A great welcome journey gives you the best chance of turning new contacts into active, committed supporters of your cause. Join us to find out how.

This webinar has now taken place - fill in the registration form to access the recording.

At More Onion, we’ve had the pleasure to work with charities of all sizes on welcome journeys to warm up, convert and retain brand new recruits, turning them into supporters who are engaged with your cause, not just one-time donors or petition-signers.  Join More Onion's Director of Mobilisation Claire Donner for learning and insights based on her extensive experience across dozens of projects.

We'll look at:

- What is a supporter journey?
- Why does a welcome journey matter?
- Top tips for an effective welcome journey
- Ideas for testing and optimisation

Plus Q and A with Claire.


Register to access recording

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